Nazaroff, W. W.

Environmental engineering science / William W. Nazaroff and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen. - New York : Wiley, c2001. - xiv, 690 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

What Is Environmental Engineering Science? Domains of Environmental Engineering Water quality engineering Air quality engineering Hazardous waste management Concentrations and other units of measure Material balance Factors governing contaminant concentrations Engineering analysis Control opportunities Environmental regulations Precision and accuracy Magnitudes: Length scales and characteristic times Water, Air, and Their Impurities Water and the Hydrosphere Air and the Atmosphere Impurities in Environmental Media Gases dissolved in water Water in air Acids, bases, and the hydrogen ion Inorganic impurities Organic impurities Radionuclides Compounds causing odor, taste, or color Particulate matter Microorganisms Transformation Processes Governing Concepts Stoichiometry Chemical equilibrium Kinetics Phase Changes and Partitioning Vapor pressure Dissolution of species in water Sorption Acid-Base Reactions Acid-base reactions and the hydrogen ion pH of pure water Strong and weak acids Carbonate system Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Oxidation state Corrosion Combustion Atmospheric oxidation processes Microbial reactions Transport Phenomena Contaminant flux Advection Molecular diffusion Dispersion Particle Motion Drag on particles Gravitational settling Brownian diffusion Mass Transfer at Fluid Boundaries Mass-transfer coefficient Transport across the air-water interface Transport in Porous Media Fluid flow through porous media Contaminant transport in porous media Transport and Transformation Models Reactor Models Batch reactor Completely mixed flow reactor (CMFR) Plug-flow reactor (PFR) Beyond Ideal Reactors: General Material-Balance Models Governing equation Approaches for solving environmental transport problems Applications -- Water Quality Engineering Nature of Water Quality Problems Rivers and streams Lakes and reservoirs Groundwater Oceans and estuaries Overview of Water Quality Regulations and Treatment Systems Key U.S. federal water regulations Engineered water quality systems Physical Treatment Methods Sedimentation Filtration through granular media Membrane separation processes Chemical and Physicochemical Treatment Methods Disinfection Coagulation and flocculation Sorption of organic molecules Chemical precipitation and ion exchange Biological Wastewater Treatment Activated sludge Trickling filters Anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludges Air Quality Engineering Nature of Air Pollution Problems Criteria pollutants Hazardous air pollutants Acid deposition Photochemical smog Indoor air quality Global change Air Pollutant Emissions and Controls Characterizing emissions Pollutant generation by combustion Motor vehicle emissions Treatment Technologies Particle control devices Absorption for gaseous pollutant control Air Quality Models Summary of modeling approaches Gaussian plume dispersion modeling Hazardous Waste Management History and case studies Hazardous waste regulatory framework Magnitude of the hazardous waste problem Sources of hazardous wastes Hazardous Waste Minimization What is waste minimization? Why should we do it? Techniques for waste minimization Management tools Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes Physical separation Chemical treatment Thermal treatment Biological treatment Hazardous Waste Disposal Landfills Deep-well injection Environmental Releases and Remediation Site characterization Quantitative risk analysis Site remediation A Basic Data for Environmental Engineering Science Primer on Ionizing Radiation Primer on Environmental Organic Chemicals Pure hydrocarbons Oxygenated organic compounds Organohalides Organic compounds containing sulfur or nitrogen Problem Solving: Mathematics for Environmental Engineering Ordinary differential equations First-order linear equation with constant coefficients Coupled first-order ordinary differential equations Introduction to the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations Partial differential equations that arise in transport problems Solving equilibrium problems: Roots of nonlinear algebraic equations Data manipulation on a logarithmic scale Linear regression A Further Look at Transformation Processes Activity Gibbs free energy and equilibrium constants Electrode potentials and free-energy change in redox reactions Activation energy and the temperature dependence of reaction rates United States Federal Regulations for Water and Air Quality 1.A 1 -- 1.B 5 -- 1.B.1 5 -- 1.B.2 8 -- 1.B.3 10 -- 1.C.1 12 -- 1.C.2 15 -- 1.C.3 17 -- 1.C.4 18 -- 1.C.5 19 -- 1.C.6 20 -- 1.C.7 21 -- 1.C.8 22 -- 2 30 -- 2.A 30 -- 2.B 36 -- 2.C 41 -- 2.C.1 42 -- 2.C.2 42 -- 2.C.3 43 -- 2.C.4 43 -- 2.C.5 51 -- 2.C.6 56 -- 2.C.7 58 -- 2.C.8 58 -- 2.C.9 65 -- 3 76 -- 3.A 77 -- 3.A.1 77 -- 3.A.2 79 -- 3.A.3 82 -- 3.B 92 -- 3.B.1 92 -- 3.B.2 95 -- 3.B.3 100 -- 3.C 106 -- 3.C.1 107 -- 3.C.2 107 -- 3.C.3 108 -- 3.C.4 112 -- 3.D 119 -- 3.D.1 120 -- 3.D.2 121 -- 3.D.3 125 -- 3.D.4 129 -- 3.D.5 131 -- 4 159 -- 4.A.1 160 -- 4.A.2 161 -- 4.A.3 162 -- 4.A.4 166 -- 4.B 172 -- 4.B.1 172 -- 4.B.2 175 -- 4.B.3 180 -- 4.C 182 -- 4.C.1 183 -- 4.C.2 188 -- 4.D 192 -- 4.D.1 193 -- 4.D.2 197 -- 5 207 -- 5.A 209 -- 5.A.1 215 -- 5.A.2 220 -- 5.A.3 226 -- 5.B 247 -- 5.B.1 247 -- 5.B.2 251 -- II 6 280 -- 6.A 280 -- 6.A.1 283 -- 6.A.2 288 -- 6.A.3 292 -- 6.A.4 295 -- 6.B 299 -- 6.B.1 300 -- 6.B.2 301 -- 6.C 305 -- 6.C.1 305 -- 6.C.2 310 -- 6.C.3 316 -- 6.D 321 -- 6.D.1 321 -- 6.D.2 329 -- 6.D.3 333 -- 6.D.4 338 -- 6.E 346 -- 6.E.1 347 -- 6.E.2 355 -- 6.E.3 358 -- 7 388 -- 7.A 388 -- 7.A.1 390 -- 7.A.2 395 -- 7.A.3 397 -- 7.A.4 400 -- 7.A.5 404 -- 7.A.6 411 -- 7.B 418 -- 7.B.1 419 -- 7.B.2 425 -- 7.B.3 436 -- 7.C 442 -- 7.C.1 443 -- 7.C.2 453 -- 7.D 454 -- 7.D.1 455 -- 7.D.2 457 -- 8 484 -- 8.A.1 485 -- 8.A.2 489 -- 8.A.3 495 -- 8.A.4 498 -- 8.B 499 -- 8.B.1 500 -- 8.B.2 500 -- 8.B.3 501 -- 8.B.4 506 -- 8.C 510 -- 8.C.1 511 -- 8.C.2 526 -- 8.C.3 539 -- 8.C.4 549 -- 8.D 558 -- 8.D.1 558 -- 8.D.2 561 -- 8.E 564 -- 8.E.1 565 -- 8.E.2 568 -- 8.E.3 574 -- 601 -- B 607 -- C 613 -- C.1 614 -- C.2 616 -- C.3 617 -- C.4 618 -- D 620 -- D.1 620 -- D.1.a 620 -- D.1.b 623 -- D.1.c 625 -- D.2 627 -- D.3 630 -- D.4 635 -- D.5 637 -- E 641 -- E.1 641 -- E.2 642 -- E.3 646 -- E.4 648 -- F 651.

This book covers the fundamentals of environmental engineering and applications in water quality, air quality, and hazardous waste management. It begins by describing the fundamental principles that serve as the foundation of the entire field of environmental engineering. Readers are then systematically reintroduced to these fundamentals in a manner that is tailored to the needs of environmental engineers, and that is not too closely tied to any specific application.

9788126524501 : $35.00 9780471144946



Environmental engineering.
Air quality management.
Water quality management.