Cultivation of tomato : production, processing and marketing /
Naika, Shankara etal.
Cultivation of tomato : production, processing and marketing / by Shankara Naika etal. - ed. - Wageningen, The Netherlands : Agromisa Foundation, 2005. - 92p : ill ; cm. - Agrodok ; 17 .
9085730392, 9290812990 : $
Tomato production.
Tomato processing.
Tomato marketing.
Cultivation of tomato : production, processing and marketing / by Shankara Naika etal. - ed. - Wageningen, The Netherlands : Agromisa Foundation, 2005. - 92p : ill ; cm. - Agrodok ; 17 .
9085730392, 9290812990 : $
Tomato production.
Tomato processing.
Tomato marketing.