Preparation of dairy products /
Ebing, Pauline.
Preparation of dairy products / by Pauline Ebing and Karin Rutgers. - ed. - Wageningen, The Netherlands : CTA and Agromisa Foundation, 2006. - 86p : ill. ; cm. - Agrodok ; 36 .
9085730627 : 9769290813415 : $
Dairy products.
Dairy products preparation.
Dairy products.
Preparation of dairy products / by Pauline Ebing and Karin Rutgers. - ed. - Wageningen, The Netherlands : CTA and Agromisa Foundation, 2006. - 86p : ill. ; cm. - Agrodok ; 36 .
9085730627 : 9769290813415 : $
Dairy products.
Dairy products preparation.
Dairy products.